Of course, how stupid of me. I was fooled by the positive Slack outcome. Thanks Annie.


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That's not stupid. That is just how our brains are wired! I fall for it all the time even though I know better :)

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Like Kahneman says: A machine for jumping to conclusions. But like the American author Randolph Bourne (1886 – 1918) said, “Nature does not seem to care very much whether our ideas are true or not, so long as we get on through life safely enough. And it is surprising on what an enormous amount of error we can get along comfortably.” (Luckily for me)

We can’t help how we are – mere awareness doesn’t seem enough. We need to set up the environment and design systems that help us make it easier to prevent harm. Prevention is better than cure. And there your wisdom and books and decision tools are of great help to us mortals. Thanks.

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